Profile photo Lize van Vulpen

Lize van Vulpen

Assistant Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):

Research groups

Hemophilia, Von Willebrand disease and allied coagulation disorders

Research aim

To improve care for patients with (inherited) bleeding disorders by studying the optimum outcome parameters in a multidisciplinary setting, including physiotherapy and nursing interventions, as well as novel treatment modalities.

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Recent publications

Limited value of testing for factor XIII and α2-antiplasmin deficiency in patients with a bleeding disorder of unknown cause Sander Ariëns, Albert Huisman, Idske C L Kremer Hovinga, Rolf T Urbanus, Karin P M van Galen, Lize F D van Vulpen, Kathelijn Fischer, Roger E G Schutgens
Haemophilia, 2024, vol. 30, p.998-1002
Structural changes after ankle joint distraction in haemophilic arthropathy Eline D P van Bergen, Simon C Mastbergen, Floris P J G Lafeber, Anne-Christine Bay-Jensen, Sofie F Madsen, Helena Port, Wouter Foppen, Roger E G Schutgens, Mylène P Jansen, Lize F D van Vulpen
Haemophilia, 2023, vol. 29, p.874-882
DOSEMI-STUDIE Konrad van der Zwet, Anouk Donners, Toine Egberts, Lize van Vulpen, Roger E Schutgens, RT Urbanus, K Fischer
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie, 2023, vol. 20, p.352–5
Subclinical synovial proliferation in patients with severe haemophilia A Eline D.P. van Bergen, Flora H.P. van Leeuwen, Wouter Foppen, Merel A. Timmer, Roger E.G. Schutgens, Simon C. Mastbergen, Floris P.J.G. Lafeber, Pim A. de Jong, Kathelijn Fischer, Lize F.D. van Vulpen
Haemophilia, 2023, vol. 29, p.1580-1588
In patients with hemophilia, a decreased thrombin generation profile is associated with a severe bleeding phenotype Marieke J A Verhagen, Waander L van Heerde, Johanna G van der Bom, Erik A M Beckers, Nicole M A Blijlevens, Michiel Coppens, Samantha C Gouw, Joop H Jansen, Frank W G Leebeek, Lize F D van Vulpen, Daniëlle Meijer, Saskia E M Schols
Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis, 2023, vol. 7
Pre-operative synovial hyperaemia in haemophilia patients undergoing total knee replacement and the effects of genicular artery embolization Wouter Foppen, Irene C van der Schaaf, Flora H P van Leeuwen, David H Verlind, Lize F D van Vulpen, H Charles Vogely, Maarten W Barentsz
Haemophilia, 2023, vol. 29, p.1351-1358