Profile photo Karin Jongsma

Karin Jongsma

Associate Professor


Dr. Karin Jongsma is associate professor of Bioethics at the Julius Center of the University Medical Center Utrecht. She leads a research group focussing on the ethics of (bio)medical innovation, including amongst others digital medicine, neuroscience and regenerative medicine. 

Karin is a member of the Institutional Research Board of the University Medical Center Utrecht and the Utrecht Young Academy. Previously she was amongst others a visiting fellow at the University of Oxford, the University of Montreal and the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS). She is committed to public engagement and science communication and considers playfulness and reflexivity essential to good academic practice.

Research groups

Bioethics & technology

Research aim

We aim to ethically guide emerging (bio-)medical technologies into society.
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Bioethics & health humanities

Research aim

The Department of Bioethics & Health Humanities is an interdisciplinary research department. Our expertise spans fields such as bioethics, health law, history of medicine, narrative medicine, health research governance, and patient involvement.
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Recent publications

Embodiment and regenerative implants Manon van Daal, Anne Floor J. de Kanter, Karin R. Jongsma, Annelien L. Bredenoord, Nienke de Graeff
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 2024, vol. 27, p.241-252
The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Patient-Physician Trust Anna G M Zondag, Raoul Rozestraten, Stephan G Grimmelikhuijsen, Karin R Jongsma, Wouter W van Solinge, Michiel L Bots, Robin W M Vernooij, Saskia Haitjema
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2024, vol. 26
A value hierarchy for inclusive design of heart valve implants in regenerative medicine Anne Floor Johanna De Kanter, Manon Van Daal, Callum J. Gunn, Annelien L. Bredenoord, Nienke De Graeff, Karin R. Jongsma
Regenerative Medicine, 2024, vol. 19, p.289-301
Reconceptualizing and Defining Exposomics within Environmental Health Caspar Willem Safarlou, Karin Jongsma, Roel Vermeulen
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2024, vol. 132
Nature-versus-nurture considered harmful Caspar Willem Safarlou, Annelien Bredenoord, Roel Vermeulen, Karin Jongsma
Bioethics, 2024, vol. 38, p.356-366
Why we should not mistake accuracy of medical AI for efficiency Karin Rolanda Jongsma, Martin Sand, Megan Milota

External positions

Beoordelingscommissie Offroad - lid van beoordelingscommissie - ZonMW

Lid Working Group - 6 groepsbesprekingen over de ethiek en governance van hersendata en gebruik van hersenorganoiden - Brain Organoid Working Group, University of Washington

Docent binnen cursus Het Andere Gesprek - Cursus ontwikkelt en gedoceerd over ethiek van zorgtechnologie - Het Andere Gesprek

Committee Member of the EBRAINS Ethics and Society Committtee - Inhoudelijke aansluiting met neurotechnologie projecten - Ebrains

Kritisch reflecteren op wetenschap, universiteitsbeleid en relatie tussen wetenschap en samenleving - verdiependen verbredend door uitwisseling met andere disciplines en beleidsinhoudelijke beslissingen - Utrecht Young Academy