Profile photo Jeroen Derksen

Jeroen Derksen

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):


Jeroen Derksen obtained his Master’s degree in Nutritional and Molecular Physiology at the Wageningen University & Research in 2015. Since then, Jeroen is interested and involved in tertiary prevention research including lifestyle, body composition, diet and colorectal cancer outcomes at the University Medical Center Utrecht. He obtained a Master’s degree in Clinical Epidemiology at the Utrecht University in 2018. From 2015 to 2020 he conducted his PhD research on (modifiable) lifestyle factors and colorectal cancer survivorship at the University Medical Center Utrecht, Dept. of Medical Oncology and the Dept. of Epidemiology, Julius Center. After completing his PhD, he continued at the Julius Center and is currently involved in a Regional collaboration that aims to deliver individualized dietary and physical activity recommendations to patients with colorectal cancer and to provide input for national dietary guidelines. This project is part of the “Regio Deal Foodvalley”, program "Nutrition and Health, from early start to the old day", workpackage "Nutrition and Oncology".

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Associations between low- and high-fat dairy intake and recurrence risk in people with stage I-III colorectal cancer differ by sex and primary tumour location Anne-Sophie van Lanen, Dieuwertje E Kok, Evertine Wesselink, Jeroen W G Derksen, Anne M May, Karel C Smit, Miriam Koopman, Johannes de Wilt, Ellen Kampman, Fränzel J B van Duijnhoven,
International Journal of Cancer, 2024, vol. 155, p.828-838
Harnessing the Potential of Real-World Evidence in the Treatment of Colorectal Cancer Sietske C M W van Nassau, Guus M Bol, Frederieke H van der Baan, Jeanine M L Roodhart, Geraldine R Vink, Cornelis J A Punt, Anne M May, Miriam Koopman, Jeroen W G Derksen
Current treatment options in oncology, 2024, vol. 25, p.405-426
Use of automated assessment for determining associations of low muscle mass and muscle loss with overall survival in patients with colorectal cancer – A validation study Karel C. Smit, Jeroen W.G. Derksen, Sophie A. Kurk, Pim Moeskops, Miriam Koopman, Wouter B. Veldhuis, Anne M. May
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 2024, vol. 63, p.572-584
Dietary and lifestyle inflammation scores in relation to colorectal cancer recurrence and all-cause mortality Evertine Wesselink, Hendriek C Boshuizen, Anne-Sophie van Lanen, Dieuwertje E Kok, Jeroen W G Derksen, Karel C Smit, Johannes H W de Wilt, Miriam Koopman, Anne M May, Ellen Kampman, Fränzel J B van Duijnhoven,
Clinical Nutrition, 2024, vol. 43, p.2092-2101
On the use of the healthy lifestyle index to investigate specific disease outcomes Vivian Viallon, Heinz Freisling, Komodo Matta, Anne Østergaard Nannsen, Christina C. Dahm, Anne Tjønneland, Anne Kirstine Eriksen, Rudolf Kaaks, Verena A. Katzke, Matthias B. Schulze, Giovanna Masala, Giovanna Tagliabue, Vittorio Simeon, Rosario Tumino, Lorenzo Milani, Jeroen W.G. Derksen, Yvonne T. van der Schouw, Therese Haugdahl Nøst, Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Torkjel M. Sandanger, J. Ramón Quirós, Miguel Rodriguez-Barranco, Catalina Bonet, Amaia Aizpurua-Atxega, Lluís Cirera, Marcela Guevara, Björn Sundström, Anna Winkvist, Alicia K. Heath, Marc J. Gunter, Elisabete Weiderpass, Mattias Johansson, Pietro Ferrari
Scientific Reports, 2024, vol. 14
Prediagnostic serum glyceraldehyde-derived advanced glycation end products and mortality among colorectal cancer patients Ziling Mao, Jacqueline Roshelli Baker, Masayoshi Takeuchi, Hideyuki Hyogo, Anne Tjønneland, Anne Kirstine Eriksen, Gianluca Severi, Joseph Rothwell, Nasser Laouali, Verena Katzke, Rudolf Kaaks, Matthias B. Schulze, Domenico Palli, Sabina Sieri, Maria Santucci de Magistris, Rosario Tumino, Carlotta Sacerdote, Jeroen W.G. Derksen, Inger T. Gram, Guri Skeie, Torkjel M. Sandanger, Jose Ramón Quirós, Marta Crous-Bou, Maria Jose Sánchez, Pilar Amiano, Sandra M. Colorado-Yohar, Marcela Guevara, Sophia Harlid, Ingegerd Johansson, Aurora Perez-Cornago, Heinz Freisling, Marc Gunter, Elisabete Weiderpass, Alicia K. Heath, Elom Aglago, Mazda Jenab, Veronika Fedirko
International Journal of Cancer, 2023, vol. 152, p.2257-2268