Assistant Professor - medical
Strategic program(s):
Michiel was trained as a medical doctor (2002) and pediatrician (2010) and as a clinical epidemiologist (2009) at the UMC Utrecht. In 2011 he obtained his PhD on his thesis entitled: RSV Bronchiolitis in Healthy Term Infants, Pathogenesis and Prediction. Since 2010 he works as a general pediatrician in the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (UMC Utrecht) and since 2014 he is head of the section of general en social pediatrics. He is the pediatrician and coordinator of the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome childhood outward patient clinic and studies the heterogeneity and prognostic factors of this syndrome, in close collaboration with colleagues of other pediatric, surgery, psychiatric, psychology and genetics specialties. He is also involved in several further studies on the healthy term birth (amniotic fluid) cohort from his PhD trajectory.
2018: Uitreiking cheque €150.00 aan ML Houben, voor onderzoek naar Predictors van Neurocognitieve Achteruitgang bij Kinderen met 22q11.2 Deletiesyndroom (door Stichting Steun 22q11)