Assistant Professor
Conny Seeleman is assistant professor at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht.
Conny has much experience as a qualitative researcher in topics related to providing healthcare to vulnerable populations. In 2014 she completed her PhD about cultural competence in healthcare which also addressed integrating diversity topics in medical education.
As a Public Health teacher at the Julius Centre, Conny is committed to developing innovative education in which medical students experience (in all kinds of ways) which social detereminants make people vulnerable to poorer health outcomes. For example in an interdisciplinary community internship for medical students (‘Coschap in de wijk’), in a virtual reality experience or in developing a podcast with stories from Overvecht. When developing innovative education, she likes to translate theoretical educational concepts into concrete activities and practical advice.
In addition to her work in the UMC Utrecht, Conny works as a NT2-teacher (Dutch as second language) for refugees.