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Role of placenta in babies with congenital heart defect

21 March 2024

Focus on older colorectal cancer patients

18 March 2024

‘Your work-life balance is so much better’

18 March 2024

Lieve Tytgat appointed professor of biomarkers

14 March 2024

Alliance EWUU Annual Conference 2024: ‘Navigating Transitions’

14 March 2024

From first beating human heart cell to new therapeutic strategies for heart failure

13 March 2024

UMC Utrecht and Philips speed up development of image-guided treatments

4 March 2024

Sabine Fuchs receives Vici grant

29 February 2024

One Health project to predict antimicrobial resistance in low-income setting awarded with ZonMw grant

29 February 2024

New study speeds up radiation therapy

28 February 2024

Annelies Verbon appointed professor of Internal Medicine

28 February 2024

Four new cancer research projects at UMC Utrecht receive Hanarth grants

27 February 2024