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Intestinal bacteria predict risk of diarrhea from Clostridium bacteria

14 April 2021

Update BRACE study: follow-up visits ongoing, trial well on track

8 April 2021

How do you recognize genetic predisposition to cancer?

8 April 2021

Lex Eggermont appointed as professor of Immunotherapy at UMC Utrecht

1 April 2021

‘Live’ measurements of cell signals show need for combination therapy in colorectal cancer

1 April 2021

RSV illness is prevalent in older adults but rarely causes severe disease

1 April 2021

4 million grant for lasering brain tumors

30 March 2021

Multiomics and machine learning can predict optimal therapy in rheumatoid arthritis

29 March 2021

UMC Utrecht is looking for 20,000 participants for wrist device to detect COVID-19

26 March 2021

UMC Utrecht investigates effects of corona vaccination in patients with immune disorders

25 March 2021

Corona antigen rapid test effective when used with close contacts

22 March 2021

Wake up to the importance of sleep in pediatric rehabilitation

19 March 2021