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Two grants for Utrecht researchers

16 June 2021

Launch of European research into radiotherapy for cardiac arrhythmias

16 June 2021

Collaborative project of researchers from UMC Utrecht, Hubrecht Institute and Amsterdam UMC receives funding from ZonMw Open Competition

11 June 2021

Grant for research prevention of brain diseases

4 June 2021

Mathematical brain model helpful in epilepsy surgery

20 May 2021

Prix Galien Research Award 2021 Pieter Vader

19 May 2021

First successful DCD heart donations in the Netherlands

6 May 2021

Mutations in gene Tnnt2a cause severe cardiomyopathy

28 April 2021

Map predicts likelihood of symptoms after stroke

26 April 2021

Large study of epilepsy alarm systems for children at home

22 April 2021

Jan Willem Gorter appointed professor of Pediatric Rehabilitation

16 April 2021

Vici grant for researchers UMC Utrecht

14 April 2021