File a complaint

Our staff do their best to provide optimal care. Nevertheless, it may happen that you have not experienced our care as good and are therefore not satisfied. We would like you to let us know so that we can look for a solution.

How can I file a complaint?

Are you dissatisfied with something? If so, discuss it preferably directly with the care provider concerned or the manager of the department where you are being treated. Our staff is open to discussion.

Assistance with a complaint

You can also contact the complaints mediator. She can inform and advise you about the different ways to file a complaint. She can also help you verbalize your complaint. Read more in the brochure (in Dutch).

Complaint Mediation

As a neutral intermediary, the complaint mediator can support you in filing your complaint. To do so, please fill out the complaint form. The complaint mediator will then contact you.

Contact complaint mediation

You can contact us at the phone number below or send your complaint to our mailing address.

T. 088 75 562 08

Other contact details

Complaints handling UMC Utrecht
Home Office G 01.504
P.O. Box 8419
P.O. Box 85500
3508 GA Utrecht

Care bill

If you have a question about your healthcare bill, please contact the Billing and Accounts Receivable Department.

Billing and Accounts Receivable Management Department

T. 088 75 589 45
Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (excluding holidays).

Incident reporting by external health care provider

External caregivers can report an incident using this form (in Dutch).

What happens to my complaint?

The complaint mediator submits the complaint to the employee(s) involved and the department head. You will receive their response via the complaints mediator after they have investigated exactly what happened. By agreement, a conversation with those involved is possible. The complaints mediator can lead this conversation. We record all complaints and use them to improve the quality of care.

Compulsory Mental Health Care Act (in Dutch Wet Verplichte GGZ)

Would you like to file a complaint about (decisions regarding) compulsory care under the Compulsory Mental Health Care Act? The UMC Utrecht is affiliated with the GGZ Complaints Committee for Patients and Relatives Utrecht. This committee can handle your complaint.

More information GGZ Complaints Committee Utrecht (in Dutch).

Judgment Committee (in Dutch Oordeelcommissie)

If you are not satisfied with the result of mediation or if you do not wish mediation, you can submit your complaint to the judgment committee. The judgment committee only handles complaints that have been submitted in writing and that relate to the provision of care at UMC Utrecht.
Do you disagree with the verdict of the judgement committee? Or does the judgement committee not reach a decision within the statutory time limits? Then you can submit your complaint to the national Disputes Committee for Hospitals (in Dutch Landelijke Geschillencommissie Ziekenhuizen). This Disputes Committee is authorized to award up to €25,000 in damages.
The Disputes Committee gives binding advice. This means that parties must abide by the ruling. You cannot appeal to the Disputes Committee and cannot subsequently submit your complaint to the court, except for a marginal review (a limited assessment, which evaluates whether a decision has been reasonably reached).

Contact the judging committee

Judging Committee UMC Utrecht
Home Office D 01.343
P.O. Box 8419
P.O. Box 85500
3508 GA Utrecht

Submit your complaint to the judging committee

Write down your complaint and enclose a completed form ‘authorization judgement committee’. With this you give the committee permission to view your medical information.

File a claim for damages

Do you want to hold the hospital liable because you suffered damages as a result of a medical treatment or visit to the hospital? To do so, write a letter to the board of directors stating what happened and what your damages consist of. We will handle your request together with the hospital’s liability insurer.

Contact board of directors

Board of Directors of UMC Utrecht
Home Office D01.343
P.O. Box 8419
P.O. Box 85500
3508 GA Utrecht
