EWUU alliance

The EWUU alliance (TU/e, WUR, UU, UMC Utrecht) connects their scientific knowledge in research and education. The four institutions cooperate on a cross-disciplinary basis in the areas in which they complement each other.

In the EWUU alliance (TU/e, WUR, UU, UMC Utrecht) Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and University Medical Centre Utrecht connect their scientific knowledge in research and education. The four institutions cooperate on a cross-disciplinary basis in the areas in which they complement each other. In this way, EWUU contributes to urgent societal transitions.

The motto of EWUU is ‘Challenging future generations’. Using an unconventional approach, the alliance challenges new generations of researchers, tutors and students to work together, across disciplines, without imposing limits in advance. It focuses on research results with an impact on society. To this end, the alliance also cooperates with external partners.

We are building our networks to conduct groundbreaking research, to continue to innovate in healthcare, and to provide even better education. We innovate together with our partners, regionally, nationally and internationally. Because our work is multidisciplinary, we seek partners in different sectors than we are used to.

With this collaboration, we are even stronger in achieving knowledge development based on science, which helps to solve social issues. We challenge young scientists and students to push their boundaries together and to facilitate them optimally by giving them the space to develop new insights beyond the boundaries of their knowledge. The core of the approach is to let the curiosity of the scientists take the lead.


Key research themes within the alliance are Preventive Health (PH) and Circular Society (CS). The research programmes Living Technologies (LT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been launched to support these themes. In the Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo), the alliance encourages and facilitates unusual collaborations (with training and coaching) between young academics within the alliance.

More about research


The EWUU alliance prepares its students and professionals for the future. They will increasingly be called upon to solve complex challenges in our society. The alliance brings together students from different institutions and disciplines, enabling them to work on these challenges.

More about Education

Find out more about EWUU alliance