
Data on the website


Despite the care that the authors and compilers have taken in compiling this website, imperfections may arise. In no way can the UMC Utrecht accept liability towards anyone for this.


All rights reserved. No part of the content of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the UMC Utrecht. This site is not for commercial use.

My UMC Utrecht patient portal (Mijn UMC Utrecht)


  • Mijn UMC Utrecht does not provide full access to your medical file, but allows you to view parts of your medical information.
  • Online contact between your healthcare provider and you takes place in accordance with the conditions described in the online doctor-patient contact guideline of the KNMG (2007).
  • A healthcare provider’s advice is given based on the information you provide. You are responsible for informing your healthcare provider to the best of your knowledge. We expect you to provide accurate and complete information about your health.
  • If you require immediate contact or there is urgency, My UMC Utrecht is not appropriate.
  • Please contact your family doctor, the department where you are being treated or the national emergency number 112.
  • Your care provider may (together with you) decide to close access to Mijn UMC Utrecht. For example, because you want to, or in case of incapacity.
  • Do you have a complaint? For questions and advice please contact the complaints mediators, tel: 088 75 562 08. Read more about filing a complaint.
  • For patients treated at the Central Military Hospital who have access to the UMC Utrecht patient portal via MijnCMH.nl, the above conditions apply. With the exception of submitting complaints. This can be done through the Defense Intranet or your healthcare provider.


Despite the care taken by the authors and compilers of My UMC Utrecht, imperfections may occur. The UMC Utrecht can in no way be held liable to anyone for these.

Registration data

We would like to know how often My UMC Utrecht is used. That is why we register every time you log in. The data you enter in My UMC Utrecht will go into your medical file. We also use the Microsoft Clarity tool to obtain anonymous information about the use of My UMC Utrecht. More information about this on can be found in the Cookie Policy.

When you send an e-consultation to your healthcare provider, it enters your UMC Utrecht file. The answer from your care provider will also appear there. The e-consults can be viewed by those care providers within the UMC Utrecht who have access to your file.


Except for your own patient data, nothing from My UMC Utrecht may be reproduced, or made public, in any form or manner, without prior written permission from UMC Utrecht. My UMC Utrecht is for personal non-commercial use only.

Links to other information sources

My UMC Utrecht contains references to various Internet sites, some of which are operated by parties other than the UMC Utrecht. These references are selected with the utmost care. However, the UMC Utrecht accepts no responsibility for the content of these sources of information, nor for information, software, products and services offered on these websites.

Social media

Information provided through the UMC Utrecht and WKZ social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram) cannot be considered a substitute for a consultation or treatment by a physician.

When in doubt about your health, treatment or medication, we emphasize that you should always contact your (family) physician, specialist or pharmacist.

A response from a medical specialist (at a distance) always concerns general information or advice and is not intended as a consultation. The use and/or application of the information is entirely at the user’s own risk.

You should also be aware that Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram do not provide privacy protection. Social media posts cannot be secured against infringement by third parties.

You may not derive any rights from messages provided via social media.

If you send a message via Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram to the UMC Utrecht and/or the WKZ, please be aware that this message may be shared unless it is a private message or messages that are provided with a lock (i.e. these are also not copied).

Responsible disclosure policy

At UMC Utrecht, the security of our systems is very important to us. Despite our care for the security of our systems, it can happen that there is a vulnerability.
If you have found a vulnerability in one of our systems, we would like to hear about it so we can take action as soon as possible. We would like to work with you to better protect our users, our systems and the data of our patients and staff.

More information about the responsible disclosure policy (in Dutch).
